So Today was Crazy hat and sunglasses day. I have a pair of really big sunglasses and i decided to wear it. To my surprise everybody was looking at me, stopping me in the hallways, like i was famous or something. I didnt think a pair of plastic sunglasses would draw so much attention but it did !!! I honestly dont like too much attetion in school. I rather be the invisble girl . All of this attention made me think about how far does someone go for a little bit of attetion ???
Teens do all crazy things because they want attention, it could be from their parents, teachers, even friends. What they dont know is that by doing bad things they are only turning themselves INVISIBLE before God's eyes.
So my friend, who are you ?? The Attention Seeker or the teen that doesnt care about how people see you but by how God see you ??
God Bless You
* Bianca*