Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Spirit

I indeed baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
( Mark 1:8)

Now I choose this verse from the Bible, because its something i see alot in the church. There is alot of people that want to receive the Holy Spirit but they apparently think that the pastor or the assistant can baptized them. I mean assistants, pastors, wives can help you with prayer, with fasting but YOU are the only one that can reach that. It depends on YOU !!!! You have to show God how much you want Him to fill your life. Words are not enough my friend, you really have to SHOW Him. Please understand that pastors can baptized you in water but the Only One that can baptized you with The Holy Spirit is God. Don't depend on the pastor's prayer when you are seeking Him on Wednesdays or Sundays. Also don't just pray at church, pray everywhere you go. Your thirst for God's presence must be like you are drowning in a pool and you cant breathe so you need air. You depend on that air to save you, thats how you should be. You depend on God to live.
Dear reader, if you want to have a true encounter with God, it depends on you and no one else
In faith always


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