There was once a firefly who liked to fly among the trees in a jungle. One day, a snake came along and looked at the firefly flying around, working, eating, and shining with its great green light. The snake didn’t have much to do, though, so he decided to chase the firefly around to eat him… First just keeping a watchful eye, then slithering softly along and lastly chasing rapidly around. The firefly flew as fast as those little wings could take him, but eventually grew tired and fell to the ground, where the snake was awaiting. Before the snake could eat him, he pleaded to ask a few questions, to which the snake replied: “Hmm… I don’t usually give this privilege to my food, but go ahead”.
The firefly then asked “Am I in your food chain?”, and the snake answered “No…”. “Are you hungry?” mumbled the defenseless little firefly. “Not really, no” said the vicious snake. “Then why do you want to eat me?” cried the firefly, to which the snake stated clearly “Because I just can’t stand to see you shine!”
Many of us go through situations where we ask:
Why is this happening, if I didn't do anything wrong or hurt anyone?
The answer is simple ...
They can't bear to see you shine! ...
When this happens, make sure to shine even more, keep doing your best! Do not let them hurt you but continue to shine ! They can't touch you ... Your light will remain intact.
Be unique although your light disturb the predators :)
Translated from: http://aromasdemulheres.blogspot.com/
God bless,
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