Why its so hard to be transparent, I ask myself sometimes. We are so used in believing that "Being Pure " is just to be sincere with others and stop pretending to be someone else. Being Transparent is much more than that.
Being Transparent is being courageous on showing how fragile we are. Being able to talk about how you feel. Being Transparent is to be able to let go of a mask and put down our weapons. Destroy those huge and thick walls that we worked so hard to build. Allowing yourself to show how sweet you really are. Most of the times, we decide NOT to take the risk and not exposing our true self.
We prefer to hold on to the suffering than to let go of the tears from our heart. We lose ourselves in a search for an answer, when we have the simple choice of giving our life to God. Accepting that we know nothing and we are afraid of this world. As painful as it can be, we Build a mask that only keep us away from God. We prefer to suffer so we can have the feeling of protection.
Because we drown more and more with our fake words,actions and feelings. Its not because we are liars but its because we are lost in our souls. We dont even know who we are anymore. With the pass of the years, we already forgot how sweet and delicate we can be.
For everything that we suffer in life, we cry in silence in our rooms. In the silence we "miss"who we were before all happened. With a SCREAM FOR HELP that we hold in for such a long time that we are unable to keep it in anymore. Unfortunately we learned that revenge, anger and criticisim could make us feel better but it doesnt. All you need is to be humble and ask for help.
Watch You Thoughts; They become words
Watch Your Words; They become actions
Watch Your Actions; The become habits
Watch Your Habits, They become character
Watch Your Character; It BECOMES YOUR FUTURE
P.S: This was written by our Youth Group Leader, it was so good that i had to share it with yall !!!
It is no surprise here! I am finally transparent, I am not only honest but I everything on me, funny how I was always at my room and I would wish I was sweet, and delicate pure etc... and I was all the opposite, but once we change and put down the mask, we become what we always wanted to be!
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