"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5
I really like this post because it has everything to do with I was talking about today at church. Unfortunately there are many people in church only playing a role of "christian"... sure they read the Bible or pray at church so everybody can see how holy they are. However outside the four walls of the church they are completely somebody else. I was like that before I converted; inside the church it was too easy to fool anybody with a sweet smile and few words of faith. Outside the church I wanted to be like all the other girls! I only cared about my appearance, how popular I could be and how many friends I had.. what a joke right?
The various preaches I heard at church were only words to me, I didn't care! Everything else was far more important to me than God. However you can't hide behind the mask of hypocrisy forever. Slowly but surely your actions and words show who you really are... completely empty.
Thank God I heard His Words in time so I could repent and really convert but its not like that with the majority of people. Telling people all the stories of the Bible or acting all holy in front of others is really easy but that doesn't make you a person of God.
Stop pretending to be something you are not! Make a decision today... after all WHO ARE YOU?
"So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth" Revelations 3:16
God Bless, Bianca
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