So last summer, my life had a complete change...now that I look back it was all emotions!!! However through those moments I've learned to trust more in God, and let Him guide me through my problems...after all He never fails right?
Long story short I'm back!!! God has never failed to impress me with His love and mercy. I don't what I would've done without Him in those times of tribulations! He gave me the strength, courage, faith and so many things to get back in the battlefield.
We all go through tough times in life, I've now learned that through those moments our hearts are like play-dough in His Hands... He's molding and shaping us!! So ready the quote and take action.. be that girl or guy (haha) that the devil trembles when you wake up, not because you are all that but because God is with you!
Go on my friend, Let God take the wheel :)
God Bless
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