Emotions, Emotions... haven't we all been controlled by them? I know I have, and let me tell you...it's not a good place to be!
In my case, I let my emotions completely run wild. I would often be thinking about my problems but instead of trying to solve it, I would it feel sorry for myself. I was drowning in a sea of tears.. as if they could help me. I knew I had faith, I knew God was real but why did He feel so distant?
Easy question, right? I didn't get at all back then! I was letting my heart control my life and I was forgetting that I actually had a BRAIN! (gasp!!) I just wasn't using my intelligence but instead I was using all of my emotions. I was spiritually stuck, and that's what is happening to many people today. Shocker? maybe not to everybody, but to most people!
Now that I look back, I realize that God was there the whole time. He never left me alone, even in my moment of stupidity!! I just wasn't listening to His guidance; emotions seems to have that effect on people. They make us deaf, blind and mute... but that's another post (lol) Sometimes I say that God was probably yelling "Get a clue, Bianca!" Haha I strongly think so!
So this is the quote of the everyday life... He is speaking, but are YOU really listening?
God bless
P.S: Great song by Mandisa :)
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