Yesterday it complete one year since I took one of the biggest decisions in my life. I decide to give my life to the Lord Jesus. It was the New Year’s Vigil…I will never forget. The water was extremely cold...The pastor said is good because it really killed the old creature…rsrsrsr
From that day on, I can honestly say I saw changes in my life. I wasn’t perfect and I had my mistakes. I also learned from them and grew spiritually. All my battles made the girl I am today…strong and happy. The Lord Jesus accepted me the way I was. He didn’t want me to be perfect…No!! He just wanted me to give Him my life and I did. I still had mistakes, with time He was molding and perfecting me the way He wanted me to be.
Now that I think about it… my life compared to what He gave me is nothing. He gave me the truest of love. He gives the peace I have 24/7. He gave me my most precious treasure…My Salvation.
My friends, God is not asking you to be perfect. He just wants to save you. He wants to protect you from any harm that this world brings. He wants to take care of you. He wants to be your Best Friend. He wants you to feel complete…and the only way to feel that way is when you give your life to God. So take a decision…give yourself to God (100%) Let Him show you the life He wants to give it to you. I am sure you will never regret this decision. Take a step…go on. But until when are you going to make Him wait??
P.S: the picture above is from my baptism. One of the happiest days of my life. December 31,2008
God Bless You
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