Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Snake and The Firefly

There was once a firefly who liked to fly among the trees in a jungle. One day, a snake came along and looked at the firefly flying around, working, eating, and shining with its great green light. The snake didn’t have much to do, though, so he decided to chase the firefly around to eat him… First just keeping a watchful eye, then slithering softly along and lastly chasing rapidly around. The firefly flew as fast as those little wings could take him, but eventually grew tired and fell to the ground, where the snake was awaiting. Before the snake could eat him, he pleaded to ask a few questions, to which the snake replied: “Hmm… I don’t usually give this privilege to my food, but go ahead”.
The firefly then asked “Am I in your food chain?”, and the snake answered “No…”. “Are you hungry?” mumbled the defenseless little firefly. “Not really, no” said the vicious snake. “Then why do you want to eat me?” cried the firefly, to which the snake stated clearly “Because I just can’t stand to see you shine!”

Many of us go through situations where we ask:
Why is this happening, if I didn't do anything wrong or hurt anyone?
The answer is simple ...
They can't bear to see you shine! ...

When this happens, make sure to shine even more, keep doing your best! Do not let them hurt you but continue to shine ! They can't touch you ... Your light will remain intact.

Be unique although your light disturb the predators :)

God bless,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Prayer of a Woman of God

As Deborah give me the willingness and courage to face any spiritual, emotional or physical battles that comes my way. I want some of Eve so I can be a suitable, good mother of generations. I want to have the grace and beauty of Rebekah, Rachel and Sarah; to maintain faith and hope, even when I do not see anything. Give me the serenity, insight and wisdom that had Abigail. The intelligence of Naomi and the kind of heart that had Ruth; that even when she could seek her own welfare, she decided not to abandon her mother-in-law that had been widowed, childless and alone

Like Martha, I want to be an excellent servant, working in the household and try to be with excellence for others. And as her sister Maria, know when to prostrate myself at Your feet or sit to hear what You, Lord, has to say and what You want to teach me
I never want to be so busy that I miss the best part which is being in Your Presence. I want to be brave like Esther, though she was scared, she did not yield to intimidation. She dared to risk her life for the liberation of a people who sought to oppress and kill. And she knew how to use her grace, intelligence and beauty.

Lord, I want to love you as much as the Shunammite did as she waited patiently for her lover, and when he came he never left her. Give me the kind of spiritual vision that Elizabeth had to discern and understand beyond what others could see that Mary was pregnant, and the baby she carried would be the Savior of the world .As Dorcas want to be solidary with my neighbor.

Please, dear God, I pray, that as Mary may I find favor in Your eyes. I want to be able to face all challenges and problems with confidence and calm. Give me wisdom and a great heart, and simplicity that when people look at me they identify me as Your daughter. I want to shine Your light where I go and always bring the good news, amen!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oftern our mistakes makes us wiser....

Hello everybody! I've been gone for quite awhile but now since school is over I am back!!! This post is actually a English essay I wrote awhile back. I wanted to share with you guys because it's part of my life story :) Enjoy

Growing up was a tough path for me to walk through. I was a internally troubled child, but I always had a smile on my face. It was very easy for me to put on a mask and make my parents believe everything was fine.
In middle school, specially in 6th grade I was a "two face". In reality that was my biggest mistake, because I wanted to fit in so bad that I lost my own personality. As if I re-invented myself according to whom I was with. I was a happy Bianca today, a wild Bianca tomorrow and the cycle went on... I was a follower and never a leader. In church, people always thought I was an angel but little did they know that it was all an act. My double life went on until the end of seventh grade. My choices led up to a major consequence, a unbearable life. I was empty, sad and I even had thoughts of leaving my house. However I kept it in so nobody really knew what was going on... except God.
My choices led me down into a path of disappointment and regret. I find it interesting that now I look back to 7th grade, and I wonder if I hadn't gone through that would I've be where I am today. All those decisions somehow led me to God. In those dark years, He shone His light upon me and He rescued my troubled heart. I wish I had enough words to describe how grateful I'm for having an opportunity of starting over. I ended up making the best decision of my life.
I still make mistakes because I am human but since I have Him inside of my life I know I can surpass anything and learn from it. He taught me to learn from my mistakes and grow as a person. Now I smile because I'm learning and growing ever since my Lord saved me.

Bianca Lima

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Christians can have fun??

Hey everybody!!
I was thinking to myself and the youth group was talking about it on Sunday. Can Christians have fun?? Well many people think NO! We must be saints 24/7, however little do they know they are missing out. Just because you believe in God doesnt mean you cant sing or dance. Of course we need to be careful with what we listen to and dance to but other than that YOU CAN HAVE FUN!!! After all God created dance and music, look: "Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with strings and pipes."Psalm 150:4

The video above is from our youth group having fun in a godly way!

See we are definitely not boring!

God Bless! -Bi

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Endless Love

This is song is dedicated to my Love. Don't worry if you don't have anybody for valentine's day, Jesus already loves you much more than anybody can. After all He died for you right?

Friday, February 10, 2012

He is speaking, but are you listening?

Emotions, Emotions... haven't we all been controlled by them? I know I have, and let me tell's not a good place to be!
In my case, I let my emotions completely run wild. I would often be thinking about my problems but instead of trying to solve it, I would it feel sorry for myself. I was drowning in a sea of tears.. as if they could help me. I knew I had faith, I knew God was real but why did He feel so distant?
Easy question, right? I didn't get at all back then! I was letting my heart control my life and I was forgetting that I actually had a BRAIN! (gasp!!) I just wasn't using my intelligence but instead I was using all of my emotions. I was spiritually stuck, and that's what is happening to many people today. Shocker? maybe not to everybody, but to most people!
Now that I look back, I realize that God was there the whole time. He never left me alone, even in my moment of stupidity!! I just wasn't listening to His guidance; emotions seems to have that effect on people. They make us deaf, blind and mute... but that's another post (lol) Sometimes I say that God was probably yelling "Get a clue, Bianca!" Haha I strongly think so!
So this is the quote of the everyday life... He is speaking, but are YOU really listening?
God bless

P.S: Great song by Mandisa :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Back!!!!

So last summer, my life had a complete that I look back it was all emotions!!! However through those moments I've learned to trust more in God, and let Him guide me through my problems...after all He never fails right?
Long story short I'm back!!! God has never failed to impress me with His love and mercy. I don't what I would've done without Him in those times of tribulations! He gave me the strength, courage, faith and so many things to get back in the battlefield.
We all go through tough times in life, I've now learned that through those moments our hearts are like play-dough in His Hands... He's molding and shaping us!! So ready the quote and take action.. be that girl or guy (haha) that the devil trembles when you wake up, not because you are all that but because God is with you!
Go on my friend, Let God take the wheel :)
God Bless

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who are you?

"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5

I really like this post because it has everything to do with I was talking about today at church. Unfortunately there are many people in church only playing a role of "christian"... sure they read the Bible or pray at church so everybody can see how holy they are. However outside the four walls of the church they are completely somebody else. I was like that before I converted; inside the church it was too easy to fool anybody with a sweet smile and few words of faith. Outside the church I wanted to be like all the other girls! I only cared about my appearance, how popular I could be and how many friends I had.. what a joke right?
The various preaches I heard at church were only words to me, I didn't care! Everything else was far more important to me than God. However you can't hide behind the mask of hypocrisy forever. Slowly but surely your actions and words show who you really are... completely empty.
Thank God I heard His Words in time so I could repent and really convert but its not like that with the majority of people. Telling people all the stories of the Bible or acting all holy in front of others is really easy but that doesn't make you a person of God.
Stop pretending to be something you are not! Make a decision today... after all WHO ARE YOU?
"So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth" Revelations 3:16

God Bless, Bianca

Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm Singing

So many of you know I love to sing! I guess is not much of a :) However I've been asked why do I sing at church, why do I like it so much.. You might think "Oh that's a easy question"... funny thing I never found enough words to explain.
Recently I was listening to my new cd and I came across a song named I'm Singing. While I was listening I was like "Yes! that's exactly why! So I wanted to share with yall, why I'm Singing :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's your offering?

Wow, its been quite a long time since I've written anything in this blog but I haven't forgotten about my dear readers :) So Happy New Year everybody!!

So many things have happened in my life in the past few months; some good but others not so much. However as I reflect back I realize it's all part of God's will being done in my life. These moments made me stronger, wiser, mature and much more understanding. I have new goals, things I want to accomplish and I know I'll get there!

 I want to emphasize the importance of each one of us to take part in the work of God. We must understand that when we give our best at whichever responsibility we have at church, we are giving a offering to God. '
It's like the story of Cain and Abel. Cain gave the leftovers of his crops, the ones he didn't need. There are many Cains around churches; these people are usually complaining about everything. They feel like the little they do is already a burden, an obligation. These people never really give their all... no wonder they never see results. On the other hand we have Abel, the youth that gave the best sheep in his flock as a sacrifice to God. Abel had a heart for God, a heart wanting to please God. Abel in churches nowadays are quite hard to find... they are the ones that serve with a smile on their faces; if rebuked they learn, grow and move on because they know it's God taking care of them. They love to serve because they love God. They don't care if people will recognize them but they know that God sees what they do. The modern day Abel treat the work of God with fear and dedication... and that's why they bear fruits on what they do.

There are many Cains and Abel out there... who are you?
God Bless

Photo of the week

Photo of the week
A smile is the prettiest accessory a woman can wear :)

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We often go through difficult time in our lives but it's up to us to either give up or persevere. We need to go through a valley before reaching the top of the mountain...and that's where we learn and grow.
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