Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pretty Girls with Bad Attitudes...

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30

I always found quite fascinating how some girls have the ability to mix and match their wardrobes to perfection. It's like a talent to wear the right colors to the right prints. They look beautiful... every detail... from their hairstyles to the color of their shoes. Pretty girls who often charm many with their ability to dress so well but then there in one problem... they have an awful attitude!

With a simple word or rude action, all their charm and beauty simply fades away. What  do you mean, Bianca? Well let's think this way... think of the reddest, prettiest apple you've ever seen. I bet as you saw that apple you thought "WOW! I am sure this apple tastes as delicious as it looks" but as you took a bite, you see that the apple was rotten inside. Ah... disappointing huh? Same concept applies to these pretty girls... many so concern with their looks, their outside appearance.. don't get me wrong... we must take care of ourselves. However most importantly is how we are inside. Many girls are beautiful on the outside but simply broken, empty, and rotten on the inside.

Their hearts are full of hatred, envy, jealousy, insecurities... some are always involved in gossip... others are simply rude to those around them. No matter how beautiful a girl is if her attitude is bad, it only reflects the ugliness she carries inside. Those who take care of their hearts by being vigilant, being courteous, being respectful, fearing God will always have an extra spark to them. They will always be the prettiest girls because even a simple smile reflects the goodness of her heart.

So dear reader, examine yourself and work on anything you might have to change about your attitude. You'll need to act differently and work on your  internal beauty by seeking the Creator of all beautiful things. 

After all you don't want to be the pretty girl with the bad attitude, right? 

God bless, 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Are you bold?

"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die." Philippians 1:20

Bold... What do you think it is to be bold? 

According to the dictionary, the word bold means to not be fearful, face of actual or possible danger; courageous and daring.

We often call people like firefighters, policemen, doctors bold men and women because their jobs often enough are surrounded by danger where they must face in order to save and protect people.

Now let's bring "BEING BOLD" into our Christian lives shall we?

Think back to the time where you still lived your life as you pleased. Perhaps some of you were bold enough to drink until you could not stand anymore... or bold enough to party until the next morning.. or maybe bold enough to smoke until you thought you could fly.. but think about it.. you didn't care. You were alive.. You were daring. You lived as you pleased and that was it. If people criticized you? too bad.. It was your life right?

Now let's fast forward to the moment you decided to give your life to God. Sadly many people lose their boldness. Their light becomes dull instead of shining even brighter. Back in the world, they gave their best to serve whatever they pleased... but once they came to church, they became too comfortable. Let's think.. are you bold enough to evangelize or simply to shy to say a word? Are you bold enough to tell others what God did in your life or simply don't have time? Are you bold enough to assume your faith or too embarrassed of what others might think?

Remember Paul? Before converting, he was known as Saul.. the one who murdered Christians cold blooded... He didn't care. He thought he was doing the right thing and he gave his best. After Paul converted and was filled with God's Spirit, he became one of the greatest apostles. He became bolder, facing persecution, imprisonment and even death in order to spread the Good News. After Paul really had an encounter with God, he didn't become dull and shy... he became bolder and his light shone brighter.

So dear reader, think about your own life. Are you glorifying God by being bold or simply just being one more in the crowd?

God bless


Back to new beginnings...

Achooo... I think there are spider webs here... Hello everyone

It's been over a year since I've written anything else here. Honestly it's been a mix of lack of time and things to say. However in this past year, so much have passed, changed and simply made me learn about me, about others and about God.

I started this blog back in 2009 with the purpose of helping others. By sharing my ideas, experiences, thoughts, songs and even cooking tips.. I simply wanted to share and help. Throughout the years I got less practical with it... I had so much to do but I kept writing till July 2013.. after that life got much more busier.. last year of high school, church, job.. and this blog gathered dust and spider webs.

However as I was thinking to myself this past week on what can I do to help people... How could I reach people I hadn't reached... God made me remember of my personal blog. Therefore I made the decision to write again, I've been through a lot these past months and I believe is worth sharing. Moments of faith... moments of hardship..moments with God. I hope you all enjoy it and most importantly that each post may help you in whatever you might be going through.

So back to new beginnings.... shall we?

God Bless,


Photo of the week

Photo of the week
A smile is the prettiest accessory a woman can wear :)

About Me

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We often go through difficult time in our lives but it's up to us to either give up or persevere. We need to go through a valley before reaching the top of the mountain...and that's where we learn and grow.
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