Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Endless Love

This is song is dedicated to my Love. Don't worry if you don't have anybody for valentine's day, Jesus already loves you much more than anybody can. After all He died for you right?

Friday, February 10, 2012

He is speaking, but are you listening?

Emotions, Emotions... haven't we all been controlled by them? I know I have, and let me tell you...it's not a good place to be!
In my case, I let my emotions completely run wild. I would often be thinking about my problems but instead of trying to solve it, I would it feel sorry for myself. I was drowning in a sea of tears.. as if they could help me. I knew I had faith, I knew God was real but why did He feel so distant?
Easy question, right? I didn't get at all back then! I was letting my heart control my life and I was forgetting that I actually had a BRAIN! (gasp!!) I just wasn't using my intelligence but instead I was using all of my emotions. I was spiritually stuck, and that's what is happening to many people today. Shocker? maybe not to everybody, but to most people!
Now that I look back, I realize that God was there the whole time. He never left me alone, even in my moment of stupidity!! I just wasn't listening to His guidance; emotions seems to have that effect on people. They make us deaf, blind and mute... but that's another post (lol) Sometimes I say that God was probably yelling "Get a clue, Bianca!" Haha I strongly think so!
So this is the quote of the everyday life... He is speaking, but are YOU really listening?
God bless

P.S: Great song by Mandisa :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Back!!!!

So last summer, my life had a complete change...now that I look back it was all emotions!!! However through those moments I've learned to trust more in God, and let Him guide me through my problems...after all He never fails right?
Long story short I'm back!!! God has never failed to impress me with His love and mercy. I don't what I would've done without Him in those times of tribulations! He gave me the strength, courage, faith and so many things to get back in the battlefield.
We all go through tough times in life, I've now learned that through those moments our hearts are like play-dough in His Hands... He's molding and shaping us!! So ready the quote and take action.. be that girl or guy (haha) that the devil trembles when you wake up, not because you are all that but because God is with you!
Go on my friend, Let God take the wheel :)
God Bless

Photo of the week

Photo of the week
A smile is the prettiest accessory a woman can wear :)

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We often go through difficult time in our lives but it's up to us to either give up or persevere. We need to go through a valley before reaching the top of the mountain...and that's where we learn and grow.
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