But those who deal truthfully are His delight. Psalms 12:22
A woman of God blooms everywhere...even in the desert.
You want me to repent
Take away my flesh
So I can see your face.
You want me to forgive
And thank you for this day.
You want me to be holy.
I decided to leave my past
I am never turning back.
So Break my heart and show me your light
Let Your will be done and your Spirit my guide
I, sacrifice everything I have at your throne
God with You, I am never alone.
You want me to repent
Take away my flesh
So I can see your glory
You want me to forgive
And thank you for this day.
You want me to be holy.
I decided to leave my past
I am never turning back.
Break my heart and show me your light
Let I, sacrifice everything I have at your throne
God with You, I am never alone.
Father reach my heart
Father reach my soul
Father changed everything I have inside
So Break my heart and show me your light
Let Your will be done and your Spirit my guide
I, sacrifice everything I have at your throne
God with You, I am never alone.
Savior hear the crying
Coming from my soul
Fears and thoughts
That make me feel alone.
My heart wants to control
Everywhere I go
Take my hand and lift me up
My Lord.
I can’t go on
Without Your presence
Watching over me
You give me hope
To believe
When I’m walking through the valley of death,
You’re by my side
And trouble times won’t bring me down because
I am in your hands.
You took up all my sins upon yourself on the cross
A sacrifice that no one could ever make
Now I can proclaim
Forever I am yours.
Verse 2:
Savior hear the crying
Coming from my soul
All my mistakes
Make me feel alone.
My heart wants to control
Everything I do
Take my hand
And guide me all the way through
I can’t go on
Without Your presence
Watching over me
You give me hope
To believe
On the middle of the night
On my knees to pray
Tears of Joy are streaming down my face
Your everlasting love
I never felt like this
With your presence filling all within
I know, you’re there
In the worst of time
When no one else will care
My soul
Is Yours
I wrote this song.. hope yall like it.
God Bless You
In a beautiful October morning…October 31,2009 to be exactly. I had my encounter with God. An indescribable experience…I found true love ( if you want to know more about this day read October 31). From that day on I had the strength inside of me to go anywhere. I wasn’t shy to speak of Jesus anymore because now I really knew Him. Inside of me there is a love for souls that I never knew I could have. I don’t see people as people anymore but as souls that I have to save. I grew stronger. I had a purpose…save souls anywhere I go. So I started to give my all in The YPG as a leader, The Kids Zone as a teacher and desire of serving God was burning even more. I wanted to be a assistant. But I didn’t want a title..no I just wanted to Serve God to the extreme. I knew I could do more and that’s what I wanted. The campaign of Israel came and I really wanted to be an assistant. I have my heart set on that. That’s was my Isaac…instead of sacrificing for my own life, I made my sacrifice for the ypg to grow even more. It was hard because I wanted so bad but I told God: “ My Lord may it be Your Will and not mine”. I sacrificed and I see results already. I knew God wouldn’t fail. I asked for the YPG and He gave me that and even more. On January 9, 2010 I get raise as an assistant. Now I can serve Him to the extreme. No matter when or where I be here serving Him with all my life. Who I am now ??? Well I am a happy person that loves God more than anything. He saved me from a world of lies and illusion. Along the way I learned something important “ Emotions take you nowhere but Faith takes you anywhere”. As soon I stopped living by what I felt and I started to use my faith; everything changed. Just like God changed my life, He can change yours. My friend is up to you to take a decision and use your faith. I hope you enjoy reading my story. May God Bless You.
In Faith,
Bianca Ferreira De Lima
Like I said since my baptism in waters many battles came up. Those friends were still persevering. They wouldn’t leave me alone. I grew so tired of it. I made a mistake there… I tried to solve the problem by myself. I was frustrated because I wanted to be faithful to God. I had a fear of messing with God. Then one day I pray to God. I said I couldn’t do it…I asked Him to guide me and give me strength. I knew that alone it would be impossible but with God by my side... I would be able to do it. From that on I stopped using my emotions and I used my special weapon. My faith. Those so called friends stopped bothering me one by one. In church I gave my all… but now I did it because I wanted to not because I had to keep my “saint” image. Let’s fast forward to summer 2009. With no school and nothing to do, I was expecting my summer to be boring. But boy was I wrong…my summer was amazing. To start with I started to go to church every day and stay there helping. I had my sisters in faith with me, and nothing was more joyful than be at church. My spiritual life grew tremendously… I became interested in serving God. Even though I was a teacher in the Kids Zone. I wanted to do something more. So my whole summer was being in church.=) A big opportunity to get even closer to God came on August. The YPG Summer Camp- John 3:16 Camp made a difference in my life. 3 days where the main goal was to be closer to God. Great experience. 2 weeks after the camp; school came back and my biggest battle came. I knew that new people would come to my life, and the devil would try to throw me off my faith. My spiritual life was a good stage but I was still missing something. I wasn’t satisfied… I was missing God’s presence inside of me. That was my main goal…receive the Holy Spirit. It was a long journey…seeking Him with all my heart and soul. Praying like there was no tomorrow. Making sacrifices… sacrificing my will. In one beautiful October morning….
To be Continue…
God Bless You
Until one day… a Wednesday service to be exactly. The Pastor preached that when you don’t have a commitment with God; you feel empty. As he was describing how you feel when you don’t have God; I had to hold my tears. In my head I was like “ that’s me”. It was like he was describing me… I was speechless. Then he made a prayer…and when I opened my mouth to start my prayer..I just started to cry. But I cried like I never did before. Pastor told us to open our hearts and tell God what was wrong. I tried my best to say something… but only tears would come out. I let go of everything I had inside of my heart that day. Then pastor asked if you wanted to have a commitment with God and taking the first step: baptism in water to come forward. Now in my head the devil tried to put the doubt. I didn’t mention but I got baptizied when I was 12. It was just a shower. A dry sinner got in and a wet sinner came up. All based by emotions. Anyways… the devil almost made me give up. I was scare to even think about what other people might say or think of me. I had to be strong…so I went forward; I was on my knees and I asked God to forgive me for everything I was doing. Once the prayer was over; I looked around and I received a lot of surprise glances. It didn’t matter anymore because I had made my decision. I was getting baptizied; big decision. But the devil didn’t give up. He put more friends in my way. It was up to me to either go with my “friends” or be faithful to God. My decision was to let go of of this world and be serious with God for the first time in my life. My baptism day was finally here.. December 31,2008. I saw big changes from that day on.. also big battles…
To be continue….
God Bless You
I was practically born in church; now you might think” What kind of problems did she had”? Well I had many. To start with growing up in church doesn’t save anybody from problems; no it sure doesn’t. My problems started at the age of 11. I know I was young but it was that time where I didn’t know who I was anymore. I used to blame the fact that I just moved countries, I had to learn a new language and make new friends. Now I realize that the problem was within me. When I started middle school I felt obligated to be someone I wasn’t.. . maybe it doesn’t make sense but seeing all those girls at school made me want to be like them. They seemed to be so happy and free. They could do whatever they felt like. I just wanted to have that freedom. It wasn’t too long until I met some girls( 6th grade). They were so nice to me and I was like wow !! They are really good friends…that’s what I thought. They turn up to be the opposite, they hurt me, they used me and I thought they were just being good friends. How naïve. Until 7th grade… people change and that’s what happen.. They changed…I changed. In my head I had the thought that I had to fit in. In church I was the “saint”; the girl that never made mistakes. I was a youth of God through everybody’s eyes. But only God knew how lost I was. In some way I knew I was being a two-faced. That didn’t bother me until things started to go wrong at school. I started to talk, dress and act like them. Now that I look back.. how shameful. I didn’t know who the real Bianca was. At night I used to think what happen to the nice, sweet girl I used to be. I felt so empty and so sad. I had a smile on my face everyday… but not because I was happy but because I had hide my pain. I used a smile to hold my tears. I didn’t understand why was I feeling so empty. Until one day…
To be continue…
God Bless You
Yesterday it complete one year since I took one of the biggest decisions in my life. I decide to give my life to the Lord Jesus. It was the New Year’s Vigil…I will never forget. The water was extremely cold...The pastor said is good because it really killed the old creature…rsrsrsr
From that day on, I can honestly say I saw changes in my life. I wasn’t perfect and I had my mistakes. I also learned from them and grew spiritually. All my battles made the girl I am today…strong and happy. The Lord Jesus accepted me the way I was. He didn’t want me to be perfect…No!! He just wanted me to give Him my life and I did. I still had mistakes, with time He was molding and perfecting me the way He wanted me to be.
Now that I think about it… my life compared to what He gave me is nothing. He gave me the truest of love. He gives the peace I have 24/7. He gave me my most precious treasure…My Salvation.
My friends, God is not asking you to be perfect. He just wants to save you. He wants to protect you from any harm that this world brings. He wants to take care of you. He wants to be your Best Friend. He wants you to feel complete…and the only way to feel that way is when you give your life to God. So take a decision…give yourself to God (100%) Let Him show you the life He wants to give it to you. I am sure you will never regret this decision. Take a step…go on. But until when are you going to make Him wait??
P.S: the picture above is from my baptism. One of the happiest days of my life. December 31,2008
God Bless You
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